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How To Change Your YouTube Username – YouTube Tutorial

In this tutorial you will learn how to change your YouTube username as well as your YouTube profile URL. There are a few things that you need to know before you start trying to change your YouTube Username.

  • This requires you to have a Google+ profile
  • If you have linked your Google+ and YouTube profiles in the past 14 days YOU WILL BE ABLE TO CHANGE YOUR NAME TO ONE WORD.
  • When you change your YouTube username it will show up as that name from now on.

One other point that I want you to understand is that if you have already built your channel up, and already have brand/channel recognition it is NOT a good idea to change your name.

Here are the steps you need to follow to change your YouTube username

1.) Once you are logged into your YouTube channel, click on your profile image/name in the upper right hand corner. Once you do this you will see a few different options. Click on YouTube Settings.

change youtube username





2.) Once under YouTube settings you may see a few different things.

If you have not connected your YouTube Channel to your Google+ profile you will see a link that says “Connect Channel With Google+”

Screenshot 2014-03-17 11.59.02

If this is the case and you have not linked the 2 accounts just click on that link and then it will ask you what you want your name to be. Whatever you type in here will be your Google+ name as well as your YouTube channel’s name. This name can be either one or two words.

If you have connected your YouTube channel to Google+ you will see your channel name and then a link that says “Edit on Google+”

Screenshot 2014-03-17 12.01.32

3.) Click on the “Edit on Google+” link. This will then take you over to your Google+ profile page.

4.) Once you are on your Google+ profile page you can click on your username at the tope of the page to change your name.

Screenshot 2014-03-17 12.05.36

5.) When you have clicked on your username a box will then come up asking you to type in what you want your new username to be. THIS WILL BE YOUR GOOGLE+ PROFILE NAME AND YOUTUBE CHANNEL NAME.

Screenshot 2014-03-17 12.08.17  Again, as I already have stated earlier in this article. If you have not connected your Google+ and Youtube accounts you will be able to create a One or Two word username. If you have connected the two accounts in the past 14 days you can create a One or Two word username. If however, you linked your YouTube and Google+ accounts longer than 14 days ago you will only be able to create a ONE WORD USERNAME. 


6.) Once you have typed your username in the box click on the blue save button.

You have just changed your YouTube and Google+ usernames!

Here is a video tutorial on How To Change Your YouTube Username:


  • coolio


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