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How To Embed YouTube Videos – YouTube Tutorial

In this tutorial you will learn how to embed a YouTube video to your website. If you are trying to place a video on your website first off make sure that you have the rights to do so. If it is not your video then ask the creator if this is ok for you to do. If they say yes, follow these steps to get the video onto your website.

1.) After you have located the video that you are wanting to embed on your website go right below the video to where it says “Share”.


2.) Click on the share tab. Once you have done that you will then see all of the sharing options for the video. Click on the “Embed” tab.


3.) Now you will be able to adjust the size of the video once it is placed onto your website. You will see a drop down menu below the HTML code that has a bunch of numbers. This is the Width and Height of the video when placed onto a website.


4.) After you have clicked on the embed tab you will see a box with a bunch of HTML code in it. This is the code that you need to COPY and PASTE into your website. Go ahead and select all of the HTML text and copy it.

5.) Once you have the size of the video selected and you have copied the HTML text you need to go paste it into your websites HTML editor. If you have WordPress it will be the “Text” tab, BUT for most website builders there will be HTML “blocks” or diferent options where you can place the code.


6.) After you have placed the code onto your website you now can preview your post on your website and make sure you have the video size and location the way that you want it.

Here is a video tutorial on How To Embed YouTube Videos

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