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February 2014 Channel Report – TechnologyGuru YouTube Channel

My Channel Reports

Once a month, I write a detailed report about my youtube channel analytics. I always begin by describing the things I did within the previous month that might have an impact on my channel growth. Then, I breakdown the channel growth itself and always finish with what I’ve learned.

February 2014 Channel Breakdown

February was a great month for the channel racking up right at 400,000 video views and almost 2500 new subscribers. I tweaked and added a few different elements with my videos that I believe are beginning to have an impact.

  • I have started putting end cards/end slates on my videos. An end card is something at the end of the video that links to my other videos. I have tweaked the time that I leave them playing on the videos anywhere from 15 – 20 seconds. I am still trying to find the sweet spot. Here is an example of one of my end cards.

I have decided to use these endcards to see if it can bring some life back to some of my older videos, and from what I can see it has done that. Within my analytics it shows that since adding these new end cards with the spotlight anotations my click through rate for my annotations have gone up over 20 percent! This may not seem like a very big difference but when you are talking about thousands of clicks per month it adds up!

To create these end cards I just open up Adobe Photoshop and create a 1920 x 1080 template. I then add a background and subscribe button on it, and then add the video thumbnails to the image. Once my video is uploaded to YouTube I then go back in and add annotations to the videos to link back to my older content. I even link to my subscribe button right from the end card. You Can Sign Up For A Monthly $19.99 membership of Photoshop Here.

I also added this website to my video discriptions for SEO purposes for both the website and the videos.

February 2014 Channel Analytics

  • Views – 394,980 Total Views (Up 2.44% from January 2014)
  • Subscribers – 2,484 new Subscribers (Up 12.30% from January 2014)
  • Total Minutes Watched – 895, 798 Minutes (Up 3.58% from January 2014)
  • Video Likes – 3,632 Likes (Up 5.98% from January 2014)
  • Comments – 1028 Comments (Up 16.16% from January 2014
  • Shares – 151 Shares (Up 33% from January 2014)
  • Favorites Added – 555 Favorites (Down 9.5% from January 2014)

All in all this was a great month of growth for the channel. It is always good to see increases in all of my numbers. With all of that being said though, its not ALL about the numbers. This month I was able to build connections with a few of my viewers that I believe will last for a long time and will help me create better content.

I also ordered one of the new Mac Pros earlier in the month and look forward to receiving it very soon!

Lessons Learned In February

February obviously is a short month BUT I learned that communicating and interacting with my viewers has positive effects on my channel as a whole. When I communicate as the creator and try and interact with my auidence it makes a big difference.

I also learned not to get complacent. As a creator it is easy sometimes to just go with the status quo. This month I tried to step up my game and this showed in my results.

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