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7 Things You Need To Know Before Starting A YouTube Channel

7 Things You Need To Know Before Starting A YouTube Channel


1.) It is not easy… I know this is simple and seems pointless, BUT you need to understand this. It is not going to be a one day thing in which you post a couple vides and you are all of a sudden “YouTube Famous”.

2.) You MUST be committed to sticking with it and releasing videos on a CONSISTENT basis. If you are not going to keep producing and uploading videos on a semi-consistent basis you will NEVER build an audience. A viewer is only going to buy in if they believe in the person producing the content.

3.) Invest In Equipment. This is such a big part of what will make you stand out in the online video space. If you are making videos thatare  extremely poor in quality do not expect anyone to watch. When starting out you may not be able to afford to best equipment BUT you can at least invest in a decent microphone and inexpensive camera.

4.) Be Nice… I know this sounds simple as well BUT lets face it YouTube is FULL of trolls, don’t be one of these people. If you are nice to people and really try to help and not discourage you will be successful.


5.) Interact With Your Community. This is very important when starting out on YouTube, being able to communicate and talk with your viewers and help them if you can is a great way to start building A community. Youtube is FULL of people who DO NOT do this. If you are one of the few who does you will stand out.

6.) Build Relationships With Other Creators. It may be easy to just stay behind the camera and produce content BUT if you really want to succeed you need to reach out to other Content Creators and collaborate on videos and ideas.

7.) DO NOT be afraid to put yourself out there. I wish that when I started my channel that I would have been more willing to make a fool out of myself. This is something that maybe the most important thing to remember when starting your online video career. Naturaly some of us maybe fearful of what others are going to think of us when we are putting ourselves on the internet. Face this fear and be who you are and be transparent with your viewers.

  • Thanks this was very helpful

    • Great! I hope it helped you out!


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